What if the heroes just DIDN'T save the world?

What if the heroes just DIDN'T save the world?

3 min readK. Leigh

The hero's journey, amirite? Bad shit happens, call to adventure, world is saved, blah blah blah. But what if the heroes just didn't save the world? What if saving the...

What if the heroes just DIDN'T save the world?

3 min readK. Leigh

The hero's journey, amirite? Bad shit happens, call to adventure, world is saved, blah blah blah. But what if the heroes just didn't save the world? What if saving the...

Announcing the INDIGO VOSS ARC - Psychological Thriller

Announcing INDIGO VOSS: A psychological thriller

3 min readK. Leigh

Sign up for an ARC of transmasc psychological thriller INDIGO VOSS and get a free eBook in exchange for your honest review :)

Announcing INDIGO VOSS: A psychological thriller

3 min readK. Leigh

Sign up for an ARC of transmasc psychological thriller INDIGO VOSS and get a free eBook in exchange for your honest review :)

TONS of new things on the horizon

Update 9/21/2022 — Housekeeping & Rad News!

3 min readK. Leigh

Hey everyone! It's K. Leigh. I just wanted to give a little update about my little baby eComm shop, future book stuff, and what's been happening. To get the housekeeping...

Update 9/21/2022 — Housekeeping & Rad News!

3 min readK. Leigh

Hey everyone! It's K. Leigh. I just wanted to give a little update about my little baby eComm shop, future book stuff, and what's been happening. To get the housekeeping...


A Trans Person on Being Your Favorite Content Topic

A Trans Person on Being Your Favorite Content Topic

Hashtag trans listicles matter is totally getting to me. I think it's about time we had a chat about trans people being used as content fodder. Wouldn't you agree?

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Can AI Tools Help the Publishing Industry Evolve?

What if intentional AI tools could offer a better path for the publishing industry? Well, it's a bit complicated. For starters, legacy tools and publishing have to want to play ball. Finally, there's the pesky business of GIGO. Check out my Hackernoon article to learn more:

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